Stieg Larsson Quotes from the Other Side

Stieg Larsson was a Swedish Journalist and author who held the world in suspense with his Millenium trilogy of crime novels and it was not until after his death that the manuscripts for his Millenium novels were found on his computer and subsequently published. Here are some of the best Stieg Larsson quotes curated by the Mystread review team which left an amazing legacy for the crime fiction genre.

“Everyone has secrets. It’s just a matter of finding out what they are.”

“There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility.”

“Nobody can avoid falling in love. They might want to deny it, but friendship is probably the most common form of love.”

“Armageddon was yesterday, today we have a serious problem.”

“Dear Government… I’m going to have a serious talk with you if I ever find anyone to talk to.”

“No, I don’t believe in God, but I respect the fact that you do. Everyone has to have something to believe in.”

“… a bastard is always a bastard and if I can hurt a bastard by digging up shit about him, then he deserves it.”

“But if you want to win, you’re going to have to fight.”

For plenty more great mystery content, check out Mystread today.

Great Mystery Quotes from Agatha Christie

Here are some great mystery quotes from one of the greatest mystery novelists of all time, Agatha Christie. Enjoy these quotes curated by the Mystread review team.

“In fact-Dr. Sheppard!”

Agatha Christie – The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd

“The two words expressed volumes.”

Agatha Christie – Five Little Pigs

“It takes more than a printed notice to keep you from reality. . . . We’ve only one life to live.”

Agatha Christie – Five Little Pigs

“Two young adventurers for hire. Willing to do anything, go anywhere. Pay must be good. No reasonable offer refused.”

Agatha Christie – The Secret Adversary

“But it is not everything in life that has its ticket, so much. There are things that are not for sale.”

Agatha Christie – Five Little Pigs

“What you do not understand is that there are things that cannot be bought.”

Agatha Christie – Five Little Pigs

“In an English village, you turn over a stone and have no idea what will crawl out.Miss Marple”

Agatha Christie – A Murder Is Announced

“I did not deceive you, mon ami. At most, I permitted you to deceive yourself.”

Agatha Christie – The Mysterious Affair At Styles

“If you’ve lost, you’ve lost.”

Agatha Christie – Five Little Pigs

“You’d have been a holy terror if you’d taken to crime.”

Agatha Christie – Poirot’s Early Cases: 18 Hercule Poirot Mysteries

“Ah, but my dear sir, the why must never be obvious. That is the whole point.”

Agatha Christie – Five Little Pigs

“There hung about her the restrained energy of a whiplash.”

Agatha Christie – Dumb Witness

“the elephant can remember.”

– Agatha Christie

“You do think you know about everything, said her husband. I do, said Tuppence.”

Agatha Christie – Partners In Crime

For more great mystery content, check out Mystread today and subscribe!

Best Classic Mystery Books For Kids

Kids love to get themselves into a good mystery story. The inreague and puzzle solving is often enough to keep them reading until the end. If you have children that love to read there are more mystery books on Mystread. However, here are some of the best mystery classics for kids to become enthralled with.

The Clockwork Sparrow by Katherine Woodfine

Set in Edwardian times, this book takes readers back to the heyday of the department store when everyone bought things in person. As well as this nostalgia, you are also treated to some international crime solving. You can find this book on Mystread.

The Secret of the Night Train by Sylvia Bishop

Some have compared this book to a kind of Murder on the Orient Express, but without the murder. Max has to solve the mystery of a missing diamond while aboard a sleeper train hurtling across Europe. The pace is fast and the characters are engaging.

Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen

Set in a dystopian world, this book looks at a young boy who has to find all the answers if he is to survive. The book is going to keep your kids engaged because of its other world feel, and interesting plot.

To find more books that deal with mysteries and aimed at kids, check out the library on sites like Mystread.

Best Classic Mystery Books

There are some authors who see their works become classics of literature. Although not many will reach such status, their books are now timeless classics that will be read by generations. Many of them can be found on sites like Mystread, but here are the best classic mystery books of all time.

Woman in White by Wilkie Collins

This classic Victorian novel is still a popular favourite to this day. It is one of the first psychological thrillers ever written and has gone on to be adapted into stage plays and movies. It follows the relationship of two people who shouldn’t be together, and a mysterious woman in white.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré

Famous for his spy novels, John le Carre is on point with this book. Set during the cold war, George Smiley comes out of retirement to find a Soviet mole in the heart of the British Intelligence Service. The book is a fascinating look at espionage and deceit, and has many twists and turns. You can read other le Carre novels on Mystread.

The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett

Sam Spade one of one the characters immortalized by Humphrey Bogart in the movie adaptation. It follows the detectives cast to follow a missing sister of his client. However, when his partner is killed, Spade must find his killer as well as finding the girl.

To find more interesting mystery novels, check out the library at Mystread.

Quotes On Mystery

Here’s a collection of the Mystread review team’s favorite quotes on mystery.

“Adult life is dealing with an enormous amount of questions that don’t have answers. So I let the mystery settle into my music. I don’t deny anything, I don’t advocate anything, I just live with it.” – Bruce Springsteen

“Life consists in penetrating the unknown, and fashioning our actions in accord with the new knowledge thus acquired.” – Leo Tolstoy

“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.” – Charles Dickens

“For me, time is the greatest mystery of all. The fact is that we’re dreaming all the time. That’s what really gets me. We have a fathomless lake of unconsciousness just beneath our skulls.” – Anthony Hopkins

“Each person is an enigma. You’re a puzzle not only to yourself but also to everyone else, and the great mystery of our time is how we penetrate this puzzle.” – Theodore Zeldin

“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.” – Charles Dickens

“The great mystery is not that we should have been thrown down here at random between the profusion of matter and that of the stars; it is that from our very prison we should draw, from our own selves, images powerful enough to deny our nothingness” – Andre Malraux

“It is only through mystery and madness that the soul is revealed.” ― Thomas Moore

“The final mystery is oneself.” – Oscar Wilde

“The greatest mystery of existence is existence itself.” – Deepak Chopra

“It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery, but what a savage and beautiful country lies in between.” – Diane Ackerman

For plenty more mystery, check out all the great content at Mystread today.

A few quotes from mystery authors

Here are some well-known quotes from characters of leading mystery authors, curated by the review team.

“Experience is as effective a teacher as she is because one does tend to remember her lessons.” — Lawrence Block (as said by his character Bernie Rhodenbarr in “The Burglar in the Closet”.)

“There is no detective in England equal to a spinster lady of uncertain age with plenty of time on her hands.” — Agatha Christie (as said by character Leonard Clement)

“Human life is a sort of target – misfortune is always firing at it, and always hitting the mark.” — Wilkie Collins (as said by character Sergeant Cuff)

“We reveal more of ourselves in the lies we tell than we do when we try to tell the truth”. —Dorothy Salisbury Davis (as said by character Julie Hayes)

“They’ll tell you that the most destructive force in the world is hate. Don’t you believe it, lad. It’s love. And if you want to make a detective you’d better learn to recognize it when you meet it.” — P.D. James (as said by character Chief Superintendent Adam Dalgliesh)

“No one ever got in trouble keeping his mouth shut”. — Elmore Leonard (as said by character Jim O’Boyle)

“Every criminal leaves psychic fingerprints. And he can’t wear gloves to hide them.” — Helen McCloy (as said by character Dr. Basil Willing)

“You’ll never get to be a saint if you deny the bit of the devil in you.” — Ellis Peters (as said by character Brother Cadfael)

“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” — Ruth Rendell (from novel “A Judgement in Stone”)

For plenty more mystery, head over to Mystread today.

Top Mystery Audiobooks

Audiobooks are great at adding tension to a novel. Not that mystery books need any more tension, but they can come alive if there is a good narrator. You can hear many such audiobooks on sites like Mystread which will keep you entertained for hours. Here are some of the best mystery audiobooks around at the moment.

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

This novel was written in 1992, but it is still one of the best mysteries you can find. Set in a private university in Vermont, a boy joins a secret club full of intelligent students. However, he gets involved in solving a crime when one of the boys is found murdered.

Elizabeth Is Missing by Emma Healey

Emma Healey writes a clever and thought-provoking book, which puts you in the shoes of Maud. Because Maud is an elderly lady with dementia, you are never quite sure if what she says is real or made up. However, she is determined to find her friend who has gone missing.

A Dark Adapted Eye by Barbara Vine

Barbara Vine is actually a pen name for Ruth Rendell, who has many other titles on Mystread, so you know from the start that this will be a great read. Faith is looking back at her family’s history after one of them is executed in the 1940s for a terrible crime.

These are just a few of the many mystery books you can find on audiobooks. Most of them are available on sites like Mystread. Why not take a look at their library and see if there is one that catches your eye.

Best Mystery Writers of All Time

Mystery novels are a popular genre, and it has spawned a number of famous writers over the years. Some of them are so familiar you might not even relate to them being the creators of classic novels. Here are some of the top mystery writers of all time, many of which can be found on sites like Mystread.

Agatha Christie

Arguably one of the most famous English crime novelists in history. She wrote dozens of mystery novels over the years, and created such memorial characters at Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

His characters Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson created a huge following. Their adventures were published in The Strand Magazine and are still being adapted into radio plays and movies. The opinionated and precise Sherlock Holmes was unlike any other character around at the time.

Dorothy L. Sayers

Sayers created the Lord Peter Whimsey character and wrote many books about his adventures. The first book featuring the ‘gentleman detective’ was ‘Whose Body?’ which was released in 1923. Many of her novels are still available on Mystread.

Raymond Chandler

Popular magazine ‘Black Mask’ was where Chandler made his debut. After that, he went on to write several novels and film adaptations. His characters were always quick witted and well-rounded.

Ruth Rendell

One of the more modern writers, Rendell also wrote under the pseudonym of Barbara Vine. Rendell was known for creating hard-hitting characters and detailed backgrounds for her heroes and villains.

To read these and more mystery writers, check out the catalogue on Mystread.

Quotes On Mystery

If you love a good mystery then you will love this collection curated by the Mystread review team.

“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.” – Neil Armstrong

“The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.” ― Anaïs Nin

“As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more mysterious.” – Albert Schweitzer

“Mysteries abound where most we seek for answers.” – Ray Bradbury

“Without mysteries, life would be very dull indeed. What would be left to strive for if everything were known?” – Charles de Lint

“I’m for mystery, not interpretive answers. … The answer is never the answer. What’s really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you’ll always be seeking. I’ve never seen anybody really find the answer, but they think they have. So they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.” – Ken Kesey

“Mystery is a resource, like coal or gold, and its preservation is a fine thing.” – Tim Cahill

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead — his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms—this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.” ― Albert Einstein

“I think it’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong. I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of uncertainty about different things, but I am not absolutely sure of anything and there are many things I don’t know anything about, such as whether it means anything to ask why we’re here. I don’t have to know an answer. I don’t feel frightened not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell.” ― Richard P. Feynman

“The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us – there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.” ― Carl Sagan

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” ― Max Planck

“One (practitioner of science) is the educated man who still has a controlled sense of wonder before the universal mystery, whether it hides in a snail’s eye or within the light that impinges on that delicate organ.” – Loren Eiseley

“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.” – Rachel Carson

“We need the tonic of wildness…At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” ― Henry David Thoreau

“Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing which could not be put back. Not be made right again. In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery.” ― Cormac McCarthy

“There is one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath.” – Herman Melville

“The only words that ever satisfied me as describing Nature are the terms used in fairy books, charm, spell, enchantment. They express the arbitrariness of the fact and its mystery.” – G. K. Chesterton

“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” – Eden Phillpotts

“I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life – all mystery and magic.” – Harry Houdini

“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in.” – Rachel Louise Carson

“Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise.” – Julia Cameron

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in waking, to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret. In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good, and more of the mere knowledge which is of evil.” ― Edgar Allan Poe

“The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.” – Francis Bacon

“When I think of art I think of beauty. Beauty is the mystery of life. It is not in the eye it is in the mind. In our minds there is awareness of perfection.” – Agnes Martin

“Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist.” – Rene Magritte

Check out plenty more mystery quotes, books, podcasts and more at Mystread.

Mystery books to make you feel like Sherlock

If you love a good mystery, you will love these books and eBooks curated by the Mystread review team.

The Snowman by Jo Nesbø

A vicious murderer who uses snowmen as his calling cards: pretty chilling concept, no? When Detective Harry Hole realizes that a recent murder in Oslo follows the same pattern as cold cases from twenty years earlier, he understands that only he can track down the killer before it happens again. And no one is outside Hole’s suspicions, not even his partner.

Social Creature by Tara Isabella Burton

This novel’s main characters come from entirely different worlds: Louise works multiple jobs to pay her NYC rent, while Lavinia is a spoiled socialite partying her life away. Yet, the pair forge an unlikely bond after fate brings them together. And once Louise gets a taste of the high life, she’s not about to let it slip away — no matter what it takes.

The Surgeon by Tess Garritsen

Did you know that before Rizzoli & Isles was on TNT, it was a series of novels by Tess Garritsen? The Surgeon is the first in that series, about a murderer whose M.O. is torturing and killing women using seemingly medical knowledge — hence his nickname, “the Surgeon.” Detective Jane Rizzoli begins tracking him based on her understanding of another, a very similar case from several years before… the only thing is, the perpetrator, in that case, was killed. So who is this new Surgeon, and what’s provoking him to such horrific acts?

For more great mystery novels and eBooks, check out Mystread.